
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Fellow Etsy Friends

Thank You !! Thank You!!

For such a warm WELCOME, I had know idea I would hear from so many lovely ladies. So here is my way of saying Thanks. Please visit them.

                        She features Handmade dishtowels, tote bags, hair clips, t-shirts and more......

                                      Check out her shop and blog here bigcountry collection


                        She features all kinds of fun Vintage supplies and collectibles and more.....

                                              Check out her shop here MamaMotherlode
                              She features handmade handbags, purses, diaper bags and more.....

                                       Check out her shop hereDigiacomo Design



  1. thank you so much for the mention...i plan to keep up regularly with your blog and etsy shop!!

  2. Thanks so much for the mention. I love Etsy and the Etsy Community of sellers !!!

  3. Thanks for including me in your blog! All the ladies have really great items :)
